March 2017 Product

Even More Pinterest
You can’t really avoid seeing the word Pinterest anywhere you look today in the social media world. News about Pinterest is literally being splashed about all over the place. So what exactly is Pinterest and should it be a tool that you need to incorporate into your business?
The easiest way to explain what Pinterest is is to look at it as a virtual image board. People ‘pin’ photos and videos to boards and others can ‘like’ them, add comments or ‘repin’ to their own boards.
Pinterest can be a great way to visually share the things you like. This can be as simple as sharing home decorating tips, showing off new furniture or even photos of your pets or your garden! The only limit to what you can share is set by your imagination!
Items are pinned to various boards which can be related to using categories on a blog post or website. A board can be labelled with your terms such as:
Favourite Books/Movies
Things I love to Eat
My Garden
Places I would love to Travel to
And get the idea.
Remember at one time you may have used a scrapbook to paste all your favourite things into? Well Pinterest is the virtual equivalent to this!
You can now have your own personal online scrapbook which can be shared worldwide.
Of course this worldwide sharing idea is a boom to internet marketers. For anyone promoting a business there are ways to incorporate Pinterest into your marketing endeavours.
The most important thing to remember about Pinterest is that it is a visual site. If your business includes designs, images and photos, then you could really benefit from adding this new social site to your arsenal.
Pinterest has now been around for about two years, but it has become increasingly popular in the last 6 months or so. The most popular group of users are women in their mid-twenties to thirties. With the increase in Pinterest, though, more men and businesses are trying to discover just how they can take advantage of this upcoming social trend. Don’t you ever wish you were in at the beginning of the Facebook age?
Pinterest has rules and etiquette policies that must be adhered to including being respectful, crediting sources and being authentic. If you have discovered Pinterest, now is definitely the time to create an account and start pinning some images to your boards.
Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be added into a membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights.