July 2010 Product

Dirty Marketing Audio
This eBook contain the following contains
Creating Controversy
The Shock Tactic
The Scare Tactic
The CCL Tactic
The No Price Tactic
The Testimonial Tactic
The WIIFM Tactic
The Countdown Tactic
The Review Tactic
The Get Personal Tactic Sweeten Up the Offer
An Offer You Can’t Refuse Getting All Hyped Up
Trash Talking
Show 'Em What You Got!
Go "Pro"
Let's Be Partners
Shh! This Is Secret
Do You "Qualify"?
Let's Go Through This One More Time
Creating Controversy
Creating controversy has to be one of the best ways to generate sales. Controversy creates two types of interest - negative and positive, and both forms of interest work together to make you profits. For example, person P loves what you have written and can directly relate to what you have said. Person N on the other hand thinks you're an obnoxious creep full of insane beliefs.
Both Person P and Person N comment on your writing. They read each others comments and they are inflamed by those comments. So, they begin a back and forth battle of words based entirely on what you had to say! Now comes Person S, Person V, and Person C. They add their two cents and take sides of who's right and who's wrong. Then come more comments. And more, and more.
And if you're selling something that expands on your initial post, you'll get both those that hate what you had to say, and love it, buying your product. The negative folks will want further proof that you're a total moron while the positive folks will want to learn more about what you are teaching or saying.
Every single day, millions of folks hop onto the internet and have something to say. Most likely they'll do this through writing, whether it's through an article, an email or a blog post. The "trick" is to make what you discuss controversial through your writings. However, don’t be boring as that won’t do a thing for you. The essence of creating controversy is by using passion. If you've had a bad experience with another person, tell people about it. If you really love a particular product or person, tell people about it.
The Shock Tactic
I'm sure you've heard the term "shock value" before. Well that's what this tactic is all about - shocking your readers or customers. Some folks will use foul language to shock their readers and some will use incredible stories. Still others will tell them how they have made huge mistakes. How many times have you heard or seen these:
Or something similar. Those get your attention don't they? Sure they do! And that's why they get used. They suck you in and make you want to keep reading. Let's be honest here. If you can't do a simple thing like generate more interest in what you're selling then you won't make any money. It’s as simple as that.
People, despite what they might say, want to be successful at one thing or another in life and they want to be the best at it. If they feel they can better their own lives through your tragedy, then all the better. Use this tactic sparingly though. Too much can turn off your prospects and have them hunting for their answers somewhere else.
The Scare Tactic
Yes, it's possible to scare your potential customers into taking action. This is particularly useful if your topic relates to health, money, or love. I mean really, who wants to be sick, poor, and alone? Fear can be your greatest salesman. Think about it. When the 9/11 tragedy rocked the nation, how many jerks do you think made money from it? A lot! It's sad, but true. They scared the life out of people and sold them gas masks in case of a toxic gas epidemic. Not only them, how about all the others out there that made money by selling t-shirts, bumper stickers, and all that other useless garbage? Okay, maybe they gave a portion of their profits to the families affected, but you can almost bet it was a very tiny fraction of their overall take. This is not to say that you should take a devastating event and work it to your advantage as that would be completely unethical. What you can do however, is to use the fear factor to make people take action.
Say for example, you're trying to make some money by selling an ebook about how to protect your computer from malicious viruses. Wouldn't you want it more, if you were selling it to yourself, if you knew what kind of catastrophe could occur to your computer if you ignored such useful information? What if you ran your business from your computer and it went kaput on you? Wouldn't you want to save yourself thousands of dollars just by spending twenty?
That's the idea behind this dirty trick. Use your customers fears, ethically of course, and you can generate more profits.
And much more...
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