April 2013 Product

Digital Cameras for Beginners
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
The Right Camera for Professional Digital Photography
Like its predecessor, the film camera, digital cameras have different models for different purposes. If you are taking pictures for personal use, you can use a basic digital camera but for professional photography, you need something more sophisticated with higher megapixels and more memory. It is imperative you choose a professional capacity digital camera if you are going to be doing professional digital photography. Although as a beginner you may not see the importance of having a different camera for professional and personal use, it is imperative. Although you could use your professional camera for personal use as well, you do not want to cause it to wear out sooner than necessary.
Another thing with professional photography is you will have features that you may not use in personal use cameras such as more capacity for videos and longer battery life. You may also find a larger camera that you can place on a tripod much like the 35mm that used to be in use for professional photography. You have to make sure your professional digital camera can handle the types of shots you take. You might need something different if your specialty is portraits instead of outdoor or indoor scenes. Portraits must be more precise and have more clarity, so you have to keep that in mind when you choose a camera for professional use. If you enjoy shooting outdoor scenes, you may be able to use an ordinary digital camera with higher megapixels instead of a professional camera.
The Pros and Cons of Using a Digital Camera
Although we usually tend to think of the digital camera as the best thing since sliced bread, there are both pros and cons with its use. Nothing is available on the market that does not have both a good and a bad side, but the key is to weigh the good against the bad in order to come up with the best of both worlds. For instance, we know the digital camera can take pictures without film, so therefore you do not have to worry about having enough film on hand when you travel. There is no need to worry about not having enough film or buying rolls that have damage and therefore damage your pictures.
We also know that with a digital camera you do not have to worry needlessly about taking a poor picture because you can delete any that don’t come out like you had hope and start again. If the lighting is poor, you have a chance to adjust it and take another picture. If you accidentally cut off the top of someone’s head, you can delete that picture and start again. You do not have to wait until you develop the film to discover that your film had damage, the lighting was poor or you cut off someone’s head when you took the picture. Though not a problem in most cases, if you are traveling or photographing a special event it can be frustrating and even disappointing to find you do not have all the shots you wanted.
The Movement from Film to Download
While younger people may not remember, those in their 30s and older can still remember when cameras had film. Certainly, there are still cameras that rely on film, but for the most part cameras no longer need film to take pictures. It was a difficult time when a camera needed film because you had to make sure you always had film—many of us remember having to run to the store for film because we suddenly found out we had none on hand and one of the kids had a special activity in which they were participating.
The first digital cameras did not cause too much of a stir because they were expensive, large and difficult to use. The early models had a focus more toward the professional or amateur photographer who was used to having to tote heavy photography equipment including tripods. That meant they had one less thing to carry now—film and flashes since digital cameras also have a built in flash instead of the extern flash that powered most 35mm cameras. For a short time, one could also find a few disposable digital cameras but apparently, they did not gain much popularity, probably because of their cost when compared to a 35mm disposable camera. Most people who are looking for disposable cameras are looking for cost, something that maybe they can give the kids for a school trip and not have to worry if they lost it.
The Easiest Way to Learn to Use a Digital Camera
Like anything new, it can be a challenge learning to use a digital camera. There is no longer the focus and press the button like with a film camera. You have to learn to focus the images on the camera’s display screen, take the picture and then save it to your memory card for downloading to your computer. All of that sounds easy, and for most people it is easy, but if you begin with a more sophisticated digital camera, it may take longer to learn. It is much better to start with something not quite as complex and upgrade from there.
The first method you want to utilize to learn how to use a digital camera is to read the instruction manual for your camera. You will find not only all of the camera’s functions but also how to use each one and where pertinent buttons are. Instead of trying to find things blindly reading the manual will give you a clear picture where to find everything you need and how to use each of the features. Having a clear idea of what you are doing before you begin will help you learn your camera quickly and without as much frustration as you would encounter if you tried to figure out everything about the camera on your own.
A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Photography
When you are used to taking pictures with film and having to take them somewhere to develop, digital photography is a welcome change. It is important to remember, however, that before you begin taking professional pictures you want to make sure you know how to use your camera to create the best pictures possible. That means having the right camera for the job you are doing. Of course if you are only taking pictures for personal use or for the fun of it there is less of a need for the sharper, clearer pictures than there is when you are taking pictures for professional use, especially if you are charging for the service.
Many photographers begin with pictures of outdoor scenes, making sure they are clear, sharp and clear. Since it is easier to take still pictures with an outdoor scene, these are easy marks for the beginning digital photographer. The scenes may include flowers, landscape, snow, wooded cabins and much more. The pictures take on a crystal clarity transformed into a professional photograph for outdoor magazines. It is a great place to begin and shows the world the skills you have as a photographer based on what you accomplish with your scenes. When you can have outdoor scenes published, you will then begin on your career as a professional photographer. You can also photograph other outdoor scenes such as beaches, trees, and even sporting events.
And much more....
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