July 2011 Product

Diet Tweak
Millions and Millions in fact. That feeling of hopping from weight loss program and diet to the next. Following it to a "T" for the first few weeks and saying to yourself, "I think I finally found a program I can stick with." and much more...
This product contains the following contents:
There is an expression that I would like you to learn right now. This is an expression as well as a way of thinking that you must get in your head and it will help you in all areas of your weight loss journey. It will help you to reach your goal…whatever that may be and much more....
So What Exactly is a Calorie?: According to: A unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food Basically what that means is: How much energy it takes to heat up 1 gram or 1 milliliter of water by 1 degree Celsius and much more....
Tweak Number 1: The average weight of an adult man is around 189lbs (84kg). We will call this man "Regular Average Joe" for the duration of this report because we will be mentioning him several more times throughout this guide and much more....
Tweak #2: This one is great because it attacks burning extra calories in 2 ways. It saves you from consuming extra calories in between meals or planned healthy snacks. You actually physically burn calories as you chew and much more...
Tweak #3: Due to Regular Average Joe and his hectic work schedule, it becomes very difficult for him to get out and see an adequate amount of sun during the day and much more....
It's Saturday morning, it's raining and Joe wants to get his walk in before his normal day begins. He also remembers what his wife mentioned and remembers he has to bring the car in for an oil change, and the washing machine needs to be repaired. He takes a deep breath while looking out his window and decides he is going to walk on the treadmill today instead of walking in the rain and much more....
I realize that weight loss for people is not a 1 size fits all method; however I can tell you that by following 1 or all 3 of these simple tweaks can really help supplement your efforts. So now that you have learned some of these simple and effective tweaks let's talk a little about how you can pack even more punch to them for losing even more weight and much more....
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