July 2010 Product

Developing Powerful Visions And Inspiring People With Them
This eBook contain the following contains
Visions that Work – Realizable Visions
Building Your Vision – What Would You Need?
Passionate Thinking Vs Rational Thinking
Taking Your First Strides toward Reaching Your Goals
Getting People to Envision with You
Like Noah to Your People
The Roadblocks and the Cynics
From a Visionary to a Leader
Reaching Your Goals – Does Your Vision End there?
Visions 2.0 – New Trends for the New Millennium
Visions that Work – Realizable Visions
Most people are quite limited in their mental resources. No, we are not demeaning anyone here, but that is the way we have been conditioned to think. Our parents, our schoolteachers, our bosses, etc. everyone tells us to think within the realms of possibility. But what does the „realm of possibility‟ actually involve? For most people, it refers to what is known, what is seen and what is already achieved. We are told to move within that perimeter. We are told we cannot go beyond that. And that is why, when we make our goals early on in life, we don‟t do anything else but just emulate other people. Our goals are simply what other people have already achieved.
Does any child make a goal about being a discoverer of a new scientific breakthrough? Does anyone tell that they would bring a new invention in the world and make that into a multibillion dollar business? Does anyone set goals that are beyond the achievements that others have already made?
The answer is a staunch negative. Our goals are the commonplace things – we want to become doctors, software engineers, astronauts, pilots, sportspeople, etc. We don‟t want to run beyond the conventional. The people around us force us to stay within conventional limits.
When we are brought up in that manner, our natural mental progresses are stifled. As babies we are inquisitive about everything around us, but as we grow this natural inquisitiveness withers away. But that is really quite detrimental to human progresses. If the great discoverers and inventors had all left their curiosities in their childhood, they would not have made the world what it is in our present age.
Building a Vision – What Would You Need?
Everything has certain requirements. Building visions have those requirements as well. So, what are the things you would need to equip yourself with in order to make clear visions in your life?
Listen to Your Inner Calling
Everyone has an inner voice, but only few of us can hear it. The inner voice tells all of us what it wants us to do. It tells us what we want in life. You can hear your inner voice at any time, and the more responsive you are toward it, the more clearly you can hear it.
Start with an Idea
You need inspiration to begin. Again, this inspiration can come from anywhere. You might read something and think that there‟s something you want to do. You might see something somewhere and get inspired. Something you read in the paper might give you an idea to visualize something new that you can do. Keep your mind receptive to all such ideas. Don‟t shun possibilities; think over them and see what you would like to achieve.
Be Innovative; Be Outrageous
They did not put humans on the moon by being conventional. Someone thought of it and when they thought of it, everyone else considered it to be outrageous. Global businesspeople did not do it while everyone was agreeing with them all the way. They took bold steps and followed them through. They thought new things and did not listen to other people‟s detractions about them. They hung on, and achieved. You have to be outrageous too. And you have to be innovative.
Passionate Thinking Vs Rational Thinking
Imagine that you want to build something that has never been built. It will be something that will benefit humankind in several poignant ways. But, at present, you don‟t even have proper funds to pay your monthly home installments. Will you ever be able to build that thing? This happens with each and every one of us. We build visions in our mind, even talk with our friends about it, but then we have to stifle them because of something as trivial as lack of money.
If this is something that is holding you back, you have to read the Law of Attraction. Here you realize that nothing is impossible. The limitations are only in our mind. But, if we try vigorously to achieve something, if we think consistently about having something, if we want something so bad that we can taste it, we shall surely have it.
This Law repudiates all conventional definitions of rational thinking that we have been fed upon. People tell us not to think more than our means because we won‟t be able to attain those things and we are just wasting our time. But, should we stifle our passion on account of that?
Should we stifle our mind‟s utmost desires, however outrageous they are, just because people tell us they do not fit in the present day world?
This is where we need to understand the difference between passionate thinking and rational thinking. When we are thinking passionately about something, we are trying to put our innermost desires out in the front. We aren‟t thinking about the limitations. According to the Law of Attraction, if we think about our desires too strongly, nothing can stop us from achieving them.
And much more...
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