Oct 2013 Product

Dealing With Sorrow
Get ready to just make yourself comfortable and shut your eyes now... let your hands lie loosely in your lap... or at your side if that's easier... just be comfortable and relax your entire body as much as you are able to... now I want you to take a deep breath and hold it for a minute before exhaling slowly... just letting your whole body relax as you do ... and I want you to keep your eyes shut now and just keep listening restfully to the sound of my voice... and as you're listening to the sound of my voice, I want you to center for a moment on your breathing... breathing slowly and steady and evenly... and as you exhale each time, just letting your whole body relax more and more... so that you gradually find yourself feeling like your whole body was settling further and further into the chair with each breath you breathe.
As you look around yourself ... taking in the tranquility... be aware that this place has just the right kind of light for your needs ... knowing that you are surrounded with soft sounds that soothe and comfort ... feeling gentle wind on your skin ... light perfumes floating on the air ... everything just as you need it for your comfort and peace ... and I want you to take a few moments ... to explore this place ... you can make yourself so familiar with it ... that it will be a place ... that you will want to return to ... time ... and time ...and time ... again ...
As you breath deeply it’s time to return as we go from 1to 5 , Number 1 you are slowly coming back to your awareness, 2 feeling alive and rested and deeply strong, 3 returning with amplified self assurance, and ability to follow through, 4 feeling the essence of being in your body that is empowered and dedicated as well as self approving, paying attention to the sounds and light in the room, and 5, when you are completely ready open your eyes and return to the room knowing all the while that life is to be savored and lived.
There is no danger in hypnotherapy but it is able to help you build many aspects of your life. Hypnotherapy can also help you become more mentally aware and has been shown to have healing aspects.
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