Jan 2015 Product

Crushing It With YouTube
However, YouTube.com, like many Web 2.0, sites is much more than a site allowing individuals to share video clips. It is a place for public commentary, a place where people can review the latest and greatest info products, a place where people can network and share common interests, goals, and opportunities. If you are an entrepreneur, business owner or marketer, chances are you want to know how to use YouTube to connect with your target audience. The good news is you can easily to this. In fact, joining YouTube is easy, just as easy as it is to sign with other popular site and much more...
This product contains the following contents:
The History of YouTube: Technology affords us new and interesting abilities every day. YouTube.com is just one example of how technology is helping us in our endeavors. By now you probably have a high-level of interest in finding out more about YouTube. Before we talk more about getting in on YouTube and making it work for you, let’s review YouTube’s brief history, as it is and much more...
Using YouTube: This section will provide you with quick start information about using YouTube to your advantage. From registration to uploading videos and more, you will find all the answers to your most pressing questions right here in this simple and easyto-use section and much more...
Optimizing Your Videos: Optimizing your videos is essential if you want to stand out in the crowd. You don’t have to have fancy technology to make a great video. Use the tips below to learn how anyone can create compelling and interesting videos for their YouTube audience and much more...
How to Drive Traffic to Your Site by Posting Videos on YouTube: Web 2.0 offers many cost-effective ways of promoting your website and YouTube is no different. And that’s just one part of YouTubing. It is also one of the most fun ways of promoting your website. There is music, there is video, there is creativity, and there is marketing. YouTubing is not going to sell your product. What it can do, however, is get people interested in your services.and much more...
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