Dec 2016 Product

CPA Blue Print
Of all the marketing methods and strategies, there’s a definite wrong way and a right way to go about CPA marketing.
“CPA” stands for “cost per action” – and (unlike Pay-Per-Click, where, no matter what action is taken, you are still credited simply for the click-through), a specific action has to be taken by the person clicking through, before you can receive any compensation.
Some of these actions could be:
· Providing an email address
· Providing a name and email address
· Providing a zip code
· Providing a phone number
· Providing full contact information
· Making a purchase
You particularly need to know what you’re doing, if you’re planning to experiment with CPA marketing, because the results in a huge percentage of all cases are typically small – often less than the sign-up fee, if there is one; or PPC ads you may be using to drive people to your site.
And there are definitely certain CPA areas that pay significantly better than others. You need to know what these are, so you can make sure you use them wisely and well.
Why is CPA better than PPC (Pay-per-click)?
Well, for one thing, with PPC, you’re the one doing the paying – you’re the advertiser. With CPA, you’re the one who stands first in line to receive the giant Twinkie.
Now, mind you, this is not to say these are the ones you should leap straight into promoting! For one thing, competition is extremely fierce, and a few are considered by Google (and the rest of the world) to be on the shady side – so shady that various online site such as Squidoo have banned certain subject’s altogether. (Two of the “banned” ones would be Acai berries – a proven scam – and gambling links. Avoid those like the plague!)
However, you are certainly not limited to the above category list! If you research and find a lucrative niche, or you are an authority on one that has nothing to do with the above, by all means, find CPA offers that focus on your unique market.
One of the most assured ways to make money with CPA marketing is to capture a simple zip code – not for you; for your network. This is usually achieved with a juicy bribe provided for your visitor by your CPA network: Something like a free coupon in exchange for an email address or zip code. Positioned and presented correctly, you will attract the most interested buyer – one who won’t feel like she’s being coerced out of her contact information. Click-through will flow naturally: In fact, your reader should find it harder not to click than to click!
Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be added into a membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights