July 2013 Product

Copywriters Swipe File Vault
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
The Essentials Of Speed Copy Writing
What About Headlines
Bringing In Emotions
Have you heard of the term: “Copywriting”? Wikipedia defines it as: “Copywriting is the use of words and ideas to promote a person, business, opinion or idea. Although the word copy may be applied to any content intended for printing (as in the body of a newspaper article or book), the term copywriter is generally limited to promotional situations, regardless of the medium (as in ads for print, television, radio or other media).
The aim of marketing copy, or promotional text, is to sway the reader, listener or viewer to act-for example, to purchase a product or subscribe to a particular viewpoint”.
In the Net marketing world, copywriting is utilized extensively to promote blog readership, get opt-ins for list building and to monetize your prospects.
If you really wish to be successful in your Net business, you’ll have to learn the ropes of effective copywriting so that your readers will love you. Thankfully, good copy writing practices is a learnable skill and there are swipe files.
The Essentials Of Speed Copy Writing
For a copywriter, swipe files may be worth everything.
They will reduce the amount of time you need to think about projects, provide you fresh insights and ideas, help you become a greater copywriter by copying them by hand or typing it out and analyzing it, and may give you a behind-the-scenes look at how that copy was made if you understand how to do it correctly.
As a copywriter or marketer, you have to utilize your own new ideas in the project at hand as well. It will bring a freshness and distinction to it. Utilize the swipe file to produce something fresh. It ought to be a source of inspiration to get you further into the art of copywriting, and not a way of totally escaping out of it!
Copywriting is utilized in a lot of places throughout your Net business funnel. Here are a few illustrations of common used places:
• Site content
• Blog posts
• Landing Pages
• E-mail Marketing
• Sales Pages
Remember, the elemental goal of copywriting is to get your readers to do what you want them to do. E.g. making a purchase or signing on to your mailing list.
What About Headlines
The headline is the most crucial portion of any copy. If your headlines neglect to catch the attention of your readers, it doesn’t matter how great your offer is or how great the rest of your copy is. You only have 5 seconds to make catch your reader’s attention before they move on, so make it count.
The headline has to be attention-getting and bolded to immediately get your reader’s attention. The sub headline will reinforce the message of the headline.
Use font faces like “Impact” and red fonts to grab the reader’s attention. Using black words in the header are to break the monotony of the headline. It’s likewise used to exemplify the crucial points of the copy.
It looks like somebody screaming at you - who'd like that? Likewise, full caps looks spammy and nobody nor Google would like that.
In addition to that, a headline has to utilize eye-catching words which will instantly excite the emotions. Have you ever seen magazines at a newsstand? The headlines commonly sound catchy and utilize words which excite curiosity and emotions with topics like sex, cash and drama.
Bringing In Emotions
If you start learn any new task you study what the experts in the field are using. Copywriting is no different in that respect from learning to do anything you have not done before.
The most beneficial way to learn how to draw up sales copy is to see what the copywriting dominates are doing on the subject. Use swipe files and practice what you see there. In time, you'll find yourself tearing other peoples’ sales pages apart and picking out the amazing bits - the spots that stop you in your tracks and make you wish that you had scripted that.
We talked about emotions previously. Back in the day, a lot of businesses used something called “Unique Selling Point” or “Unique Selling Propositions” to distinguish themselves from their competition to rake in more sales.
While that is really crucial, in the Net world, we have something else called “Emotional Selling Point” - Which is the power to tap into the emotions of your readers so that you are able to make them carry out your most wanted action.
Here’s an illustration of an emotional selling point:
“I knew what it was like struggling as a new marketer, learning how to draw traffic. Occasionally, I only had a slice of bread a day as I wasn’t making a lot of money from my online business…”
This classic illustration relates the hardship faced by the marketer to the individual reading the sales copy, who's likely facing the same issues he once faced.
Emotional selling points likewise deal a lot with powerful emotion stimulating words. For instance, in the make money online niche you would utilize words like: “time and financial freedom, free from the bonds of 9-5, resign from the rat face”. These terms are emotional terms related to the niche that individuals may easily relate to and connect with.
And much more..
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