Oct 2016 Product

Constipation Prescription
Constipation is the number one gastrointestinal complaint, accounting for 2.5 million doctor visits a year. At some time or another most people will experience constipation, but certain people have a higher tendency? Woman report having constipation more often than men. It is also common for pregnant woman to have constipation due to the pressure put on the intestines by the uterus. The elderly also have higher cases of constipation.
In short, it is having infrequent or difficult evacuation of feces. When food passes through the digestive tract water and nutrients is absorbed into the body. What is left over is solid bodily waste or feces. Muscle contractions then push the stool through the intestines to the colon before exiting the body. Sluggish colon contractions make the stool pass through too slowly, becoming dry, hard and difficult to pass. The resulting abdominal pains and bloat are the constipated feces.
Do You Have Constipation?
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you regularly have less than three bowel movements a week?
2. Is passing stool difficult on a usual basis?
3. Are your stools often hard and lumpy?
4. Does your body feel blocked or like your bowels are not completely empty?
If you answer, “yes” to any of these questions then this guide is for you.
Over four million Americans suffer from frequent constipation, so it is not surprising many do not know the causes of constipation. When food is digested water and nutrients are absorbed by the body forming waste products. The resulting stool naturally moves through the intestines. However, if the colon’s muscle contractions are sluggish the stool becomes hard, dry and difficult to pass. Following are the main causes of constipation.
• Not Enough Fiber– The most common cause of constipation is diets low in fiber. The typical fast food diet high in cheese, eggs, meat and fat wreak havoc on digestion. The body needs 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day to help it form soft stool. High fiber foods like beans, bran cereal, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables must be incorporated into a healthy diet.
• Not Enough Hydrating Fluids- Not drinking enough liquid or having too many beverages like soda pop, alcohol and coffee causes dehydration. Liquids add fluid to the colon making stool softer and bowel movements easier. Instead consistently drink hydrating drinks such as water and juice to avoid constipation.
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