Aug 2020 Product

Building Your Online Business On Todays Internet
Today’s internet is interactive and easy to use. There are hundreds of thousands of interactive sites that are available to post free comments, thoughts, blogs and articles. Writers and wannabe writers can post as many articles as they want in many different websites that welcome free information. Many sites even pay for these articles.
Videos are also a very popular part of the new internet. People can now download their own homemade video on sites like You Tube for free and gain instant fame. Some sites will pay for how many visitors you receive on your page.
There are hundreds of social networking sites on the internet today. In addition to the large networking sites such as MySpace, there are also smaller networking sites that are geared towards special interests. Just about every interest is represented on the internet.
Today’s internet is faster and user friendly than ever before and welcomes people from all over the world to participate and enjoy. While some people are enjoying finding some information on the internet and meeting people, others are looking at the new internet as a way to make money. A lot of money. As a matter of fact, billions of dollars are made on the internet every single day.
You used to have to have a store to make money on the internet. If you wanted to sell something, you had to sell one of the usual marketing items or try to make a niche in an obscure market. Most of the markets such as electronics and books have been saturated on the internet. There is a lot of competition out there and it comes from all over the world.
Table of Contents
Introduction - The Web 2.0
Chapter 1 – The E-Book
Chapter 2 – The Squeeze Page
Chapter 3 – Using Free Publishing Sites
Chapter 4 – Using Video
Chapter 5 – Using Social Networking
Chapter 6 – Using Blogs To Market Your Product
Chapter 7 – Using Bookmarks
Chapter 8 – What Is Seo?
Chapter 9 – Newsletters
Chapter 10 –Auto Responder
Chapter 11 – Forums and Chatting
Chapter 12 – Keep The Momentum Going
Chapter 13 – Use Your Website
An e-book is not a usually a fiction book but a how-to, self-help or informational book. Someone who has just broken up with a long time love might benefit from a book that teaches them to bounce back and move on. They might really need a book like this but not want to go to the store. When they find the information that they want online, they are more inclined to order i an e-book format because they can get the information NOW.
Master Resell Rights License
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling
[YES] Can be added into a membership site
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can be given away for free
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights
No Liability
Under no circumstances will the product creator, programmer or any of the distributors of this product, or any distributors, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special,incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product This product is provided "as is" and without warranties.