April 2018 Product

Brain Research And Your Child
How brain friendly learning can release your child`s infinite potential!
Such minds should be exposed to enchanted learning experiences where learning becomes the magical natural process nature intended it to be.
The more we discover about the universe around us the more we realize how little we really know .
What is true of outer space is also true of inner space.
Our minds.
At birth we stand like Lucy before the magic Wardrobe prepared to enter a world where enchanted learning experiences become the air we breathe.
The latter part of the twentieth century has seen more discoveries about the human brain than in all previous history of mankind.
It is as though we have been paddling in the shallows of a vast ocean hitherto unaware of its existence.
Enchanted learning experiences beckon us out into the deep oceans of discovery and no ocean is more wondrous or mysterious than our brains.
The brain contains a vast number of cells or neurons.
It is connections made between these neurons that constitute learning.
Robert Ornstein has estimated that there are more possible links between the neurons in our brains than there are atoms in the known universe.
The implications for our children are staggering and have focused the attention of many educationalists around the world on the early years of child development. In this context, enchanted learning experiences are not an optional extra. We now believe that we only use around 4% of our brain's potential.
Given these revelations enchanted learning experiences should be the norm for our children.
Yet, despite this knowledge, educational systems world-wide still insist on devising ways and means of classifying children in terms of their intellectual capacity, often using very narrow criteria and limited learning styles. As far removed from enchanted learning experiences as you can imagine.
While these systems work well for certain types of learners they disadvantage the majority in a manner akin to self-fulfilling prophecies.
This is particularly true when we consider the structure of the brain.
1. Enchanted Learning Experiences
2. Creative Imagination
3. Pre-School Brain Growth and Development
4. Pre-School Teacher - Could That Be You?
And much, much more!
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