Dec 2016 Product

Body Fat Inferno
For a normal person to lose 20 pounds, it could take several months. Being the go getter that I am, I had it all planned out to lose that weight in about 10 weeks.
I have always been pretty knowledgeable on fitness and what not, but before I started my challenge, I was kind of lost on the most effective way to lose weight fast.
My whole life I had lifted weights and done cardio, but never had I attempted something like this. I knew I had to do a different workout routine and cardio routine, change my diet, and also change my lifestyle around.
Every time I lifted weights before, I always lifted with a bodybuilder’s mind-set. I would lift one or two major muscle groups per day, 5 days a week. I would do the same exercises for months at a time. My repetitions and sets never changed, only the weight I was lifting increased.
The cardio routines I did were always the same no matter what piece of equipment I was on. Looking back, I really robbed myself of my true potential since I didn't know anything about what I'm going to discuss in this product.
It was right before I wanted to start my challenge that I was introduced to Cross Fit style workouts - or "High Intensity Interval Training".
This type of working out was designed to give different muscle groups stimulation, while going at a high intensity to burn more calories than normal.
I did tons of research online to learn the exercises and workout routines, and then I went ahead and tried it out.
I could tell right away after my first workout that this was going to be what I needed.
I felt more burnt out after this workout than I did between 2 hours of weights and 30 minutes of cardio. The best part about it was the workout only took 25 minutes to complete.
From that day forward, I did that workout, and an additional cardio workout, for 6 days a week. 10 weeks later, I had lost over 20 pounds and 8% body fat, all while becoming stronger from my workouts, and healthier because of my diet.
I usually arrive to the gym around 11am, which is great since it is not too overly crowded at that time. My gym is perfect for these workouts because all of the equipment needed is right next to each other.
I always start off stretching to get your muscles warmed up and to get some blood flowing.
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