June 2012 Product

Blogging Profits Unleashed
This ebook contain the following contents
Choosing a Blogging Platform
Setting Up Your Wordpress Blog
Essential Tweaks To Your Blog
Filling Your Blog With Content
Monetizing Your Blog
Driving Traffic To Your Blog
Choosing a Blogging Platform
When starting a blog you have a number of options...
As with most things in life, there isn’t really a right or a wrong solution. Each option has some major advantages and disadvantages, of which we’re going to now talk about.
Blogger.com provides possibly the easiest way to start a blog.
Unlike other blogging platforms which require you to have web space and install blogging software, with Blogger you simply visit the website, create an account – and then build your blog using a point and click web interface.
It’s very simple and best of all free. You don’t even need to have a domain name or web hosting. You can literally have a blog online in
around fifteen minutes – and they also provide themes and layouts so that you can customize your blog and make it look a particular way.
So – Blogger.com certainly has its advantages and it can sometimes be a good solution. If you feel uncomfortable with setting up a hosting account and want to get a new blog online as quickly as possible then it can provide a decent solution.
So why is it then that it isn’t really recommended?
There are several major drawbacks to Blogger, one of which can be serious and might not rear its ugly head until several years down the line.
One of the main problems is that you never actually own your blog. Blogger.com is owned by Google and essentially all you are doing is borrowing their website to host your blog.
You are bounded by their rules and decisions – and thus they can come along at any time and shut down your blog.
If you’ve spent two years building your blog and writing posts then it’s just too bad. You will lose it all – and there generally isn’t a lot you can do about it.
You might think “well, I’m running a legitimate blog, they’re never going to shut down my site” – but this isn’t necessarily so. I have seen cases of
Blogging Profits Unleashed
successful, popular and legitimate blogs being shut down for seemingly no reason. I’m sure there WAS a reason of course, it just seems that way.
Setting Up Your Wordpress Blog
First of all, you’ll require a web hosting account and a domain name for your blog (a .com is ideal because it appeals to people across the globe)
Web hosting can be bought very cheaply from various companies – but try and get one which uses C-Panel. This makes setting things up much easier.
Although it is by no means the only provider, I recommend Hostgator as I have always been satisfied with the service and if there IS a problem their support is usually pretty good.
Domain names can also be bought from various providers but the one I usually use is called Namecheap.
Once you’ve registered your domain name for your blog, and have sorted out a hosting account, follow the instructions below. I have assumed that you are using Hostgator and Namecheap, but the process should be fairly similar even if you are using different providers.
Before we begin, I just want to add that you shouldn’t be put off even if you don’t consider yourself a ‘techy’ person. Installing Wordpress is easy and once you’ve done it the first time it will be even easier next time.
Essential Tweaks To Your Blog
Ok, so your basic blog should now be installed – but as you can see it currently looks pretty boring.
What we want to do is spice up the design a little and add some essential plugins and other tweaks.
Let’s tackle the design first and choose a Wordpress theme.
Wordpress blogs use themes that change the design of your blog.
Now you have a couple of main options here. You can either get someone to design you a custom, unique theme – or you could use one of the thousands of ready-made themes which are available online.
The former is obviously more expensive but you have the advantage that your blog will be 100% unique.
If you know where to look it’s also possible to find people who will do it at a reasonable cost. The Warrior Forum (http://www.warriorforum.com) is an excellent place to look; as are sites such as http://www.peopleperhour.com)
So – getting a custom made blog theme designed is an option that is seriously worth considering – but even so most people will go for the option of downloading a ready-made Wordpress theme.
There are literally thousands of different themes available – and some are paid, whilst some are free.
In general, it’s often better to go for a paid theme. They are usually available pretty cheaply and you will find that they are not as common as the free ones.
Do you really want a blog which looks like thousands of other peoples? Probably not – and by investing a little in a paid theme you also usually get something that looks more professional and can be more easily customised.
Filling Your Blog With Content
This is where blogging REALLY starts – making blog posts!
So by now you should have a nice pretty blog but the reason people will come to your blog is the content. It’s at the heart of any blog - and without good blog posts, a blog isn’t well.... a blog!
So... how do you create content?
Well there are several options. Ultimately you can create it yourself, use and adapt ready-made content – or outsource it.
The one you choose will largely depend on your time, ability, budget – and what sort of blog it is.
If it’s a niche blog, you should seriously consider outsourcing your blog posts or adapting private label rights material.
If it’s a personal blog, you would probably be best writing the content yourself. After all nobody else can really “be” you.
Ok - let’s take you through each option and discuss some of the main pros and cons of each...
Blogging Profits Unleashed
Autoblogs are a popular solution for niche blogs.
As the name suggests, an autoblog is a blog where the content is posted automatically via a plugin that sources articles from the internet and posts them to your blog on autopilot.
The beauty of this of course is that it makes everything extremely easy. It’s largely a set up and leave solution – and thus it can take away a lot of the stress usually associated with running a blog.
But while it seems like a good solution on the surface of it, autoblog content is full of problems and as such is
not really recommended for most blogs.
The obvious disadvantage is that non of the content on your blog will actually be yours. It will be full of duplicate content – and some of it may not be what you actually want to appear on your blog.
Look at a typical autoblog and it’s usually pretty obvious to even the most casual user that the blog has simply been set up to make money. It’s not a “real” blog written by a real person – and as such people are unlikely to take it very seriously.
And much more...
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