April 2023 Product

Biorythm Awareness
Have you ever had a really bad day?
Maybe you tripped over the cat as you were getting out of bed, ran out of gas on the way to work because you forgot that you needed to fill up, botched up a major project that the boss was counting on you to get right, and burned dinner. When it was all said and done, you probably wished that you had just stayed in bed that morning. We all have days like that to some extent. But we also have good days. They might not stand out in our minds like the bad ones do, but everyone has them.
So why are some days horrible and others stellar?
Many of us blame it on fate. But what if I told you that you could avoid having bad days?
What if you could prevent even the most devastating of mistakes, improving both your physical and mental health in the process?
You’re probably thinking, “Yeah, that would be nice, but I don’t have a crystal ball.” But you don’t need one. All you need to turn those
bad days into good days is a basic understanding of biorhythms and how to use them to your advantage. There is no rocket science
involved, just a few calculations that you don’t necessarily even have to do yourself.
Table of Contents
Introduction ____________________________________________________ 4
A Little Bit About Captain Biorhythm _________________________________ 5
Is This Biorhythm Stuff for Real? ___________________________________ 6
Notable Uses of Biorhythms _______________________________________ 9
Biorhythm Basics _______________________________________________ 11
The Physical Cycle ____________________________________________ 11
The Emotional Cycle ___________________________________________ 11
The Intellectual Cycle __________________________________________ 11
How the Cycles Work __________________________________________ 12
Positive and Negative Phases _____________________________________ 13
What Are Critical Days? __________________________________________ 15
Should I Just Stay in Bed on Critical Days? __________________________ 17
Critical Is Not Always Bad ________________________________________ 19
Biorhythms and Health __________________________________________ 20
Using Biorhythms to Break Bad Habits ______________________________ 21
Biorhythms in Our Relationships With Others _________________________ 22
What Biorhythms Are Not ________________________________________ 24
Biorhythm Awareness Can Change Your Life for the Better ______________ 25
Would you like to learn more?
In this report, we’ll go over the history and concepts of biorhythms and discuss how you can use them to change your life for the better.
A Little Bit About Captain Biorhythm Maybe you’re wondering who this Captain Biorhythm is and how he became a proponent of biorhythm awareness. If so, here’s a little bit of history for you. Born 3 months premature in San Diego in 1949, Captain Biorhythm
suffered from chronic sickness, ADHD and other health problems as a child. He was picked on by other kids, who called him a nerd and “the model for Mr. Potato Head.” He escaped from his problems by reading comic books and taking long walks on the beach. An
advertisement in one of his beloved comic books led him to change his diet and start working out as a young teen in an effort to fit in.
Captain Biorhythm started lifting weights, playing tennis and surfing.
These changes were good for him, but they did little to help his social situation. He continued to be viewed as a nerd throughout high
school. He had high hopes for college, but unfortunately it wasn’t much better. After obtaining his degree in Sociology from Revelle College at UC San Diego in 1971, he worked in television and appliance sales while working toward his real estate license. He passed his exam and went into real estate full-time three months later. Things went reasonably well until interest rates rose, causing the real estate market to crash.
Captain Biorhythm subsequently ended up broke and homeless. Captain Biorhythm put his skills to use by teaching tennis lessons,
first for himself and then for the City of Carlsbad. He got back on his feet and moved into an apartment at the beach. Things started to look up. But eventually, depression once again turned him into a recluse.
And so much more!
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