April 2013 Product

Baby Weaning
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
When To Wean Your Baby
When should you wean your baby? There are many different theories on this process and it can be one of the most often asked questions to a pediatrician. Even they may not be able to tell you when the process should be started. The fact is, many mothers need a specific guideline that tells them when they should just stop. There is not one of those guidelines available. The fact is, it takes a great deal of time to make this baby weaning process happen and no one can tell you when to stop breastfeeding.
In the United States, it is estimated that only about 20 percent of babies are still nursing at six months of age. This is a very low number. When you compare this to most other nations, you may find that the differences are quite striking. For example, in most European, Asian and African cultures, babies will breastfeed until they are between two and four years of age. Many of the mothers in these countries would see stopping breastfeeding so young as is done in the United States by most mothers to be very wrong.
Resources For Baby Weaning
When it comes to weaning a baby from breastfeeding, everyone has an opinion. You will find women without any experience giving advice on how long a baby should breastfeed. You may even find that everyone you know has a different opinion as to when the baby should stop breastfeeding. While this is common, it is important to note that it is highly necessary to make this decision for yourself, based on what your baby and what you need from the process. However, where can you turn to for a good amount of help?
First of all, one of the best locations to get help from is your pediatrician. Your pediatrician should be someone that you trust with your child's health and if you do not, you should be looking for another professional to help you in that area. The fact is, you need to have a good idea of what your child needs at this point in time, no matter how old they are.
Misconceptions About Baby Weaning
Baby weaning is a process in which a child stops breastfeeding from their mother and moves to eating nothing but solid foods or a bottle. This process is eventual, and there is no set time table for when it should happen. This is especially true since most babies simply have to make up their mind on their own. Each is unique. Their needs both physically and emotionally are different. Since breastfeeding is much more than feedings, it is important to consider all sides of the process. When it comes to baby weaning, there are often many misconceptions. Here are three to keep in mind.
6 Months Is Time
One of the worst mistakes you can make is to assume that your child has to be breastfeeding weaned by the time they are six months. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers continue to breastfeed their children until at least the age of one year old. Around the world, stopping breastfeeding prior to a child's second birthday is strange. It is really a decision that the child needs to make. Are they ready for the change? If not, they will let you know. It is impossible to force a child to breastfeed.
Ways To Start Baby Weaning
You have decided that your child needs to be weaned. Now what? There are many different approaches to weaning your baby off of breast milk. You can consider all of them viable options, so long as they do work for you. Not everything will though. Your first order of business is to make sure your child is ready. To do this, make sure they are old enough and getting enough calories from the food they are taking in. If so, consider these three methods.
Skipping A Feeding
Perhaps the simplest of methods is to simply skip a feeding. Just do not do a breastfeeding and see how your child reacts. Instead of breastfeeding, give them a cup of breast milk or formula. This is perhaps one of the best ways since you will only drop a feeding once every week or so. Over the next few weeks, not only will the child adapt to the no more breastfeeding, but also so will your body.
Tips To Make Weaning Easier
When you would usually be nursing, introduce your child to something that is fun or new to them. Better yet, take them outside to play during this time. They will not even think about breastfeeding if you occupy them enough during this time.
Don't wear the clothing that you normally wear when nursing. This keeps this signal to breastfeed off his mind. Instead of sitting in your normal nursing spot, choose other places in the room to sit. Again, it breaks the connection.
For children that are under a year old, you will likely be replacing a breastfeeding session with a bottle or sometimes a cup. Do so when you would normally be feeding the child. This allows the child to correlate the process of breastfeeding with the bottle.
Allowing Your Child To Naturally Wean
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that baby's are not forced to wean at all. They also recommend that a mother breastfeeds for at least a full year. The World Health Organization has a different view. There, they encourage children to be breastfeed until they are two years old. Still, there is no limit to when you have to stop and there is absolutely no reason to do so before the child is ready to do so. You should allow your child to wean off breastfeeding when it is natural for them to do so.
Allow your child to make the decision when to breastfeed. Most babies will stop breastfeeding between the ages of 12 months and 18 months but others may take a little longer to be ready to do so. What are some of the benefits of this natural process? Keep these in mind.
And much more...
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