May 2011 Product

Anger Management
How To Stop Your Anger From Cheating You out Of The Life You Could Be Living
Too many people go through life angry, the sad part is they don’t realize what they're sacrificing as a result of it and the price they pay is often too high costing them their relationships and their health.
Those who live with chronic anger suffer more with health issues, have higher blood pressure and are more susceptible to stroke and heart attacks than those not living with chronic anger.
You don’t have to go through life feeling like this, you can change it at any moment.
This eBook Contains The Following Contents :-
Do You Have An Anger Problem? :- We see these angry people on TV all the time. The husband and wife, arguing while they're washing dishes, who end up smashing plates full of food all over the kitchen. The angry teenager screaming “I hate you!” at his parents while he smashes his cell phone into the wall and then runs to his room and slams the door.
Ask Yourself These Questions :- Are you frequently angry? Not just disgruntled or negative. But angry to the point that you can feel yourself getting red in the face, you can feel your blood pressure rising, and you want to strike out at something or someone.
Anger And Its After Effects :- In recent years we've heard more and more about anger management, mainly because the effects of anger have become so prevalent in the news. One of the most insidious forms of violence, domestic violence, is on the rise and its cause is directly attributed to anger.
Types Of Anger :- There are different types of anger. Different things make us angry for different reasons. Recognizing what type of anger you're experiencing will help you to control it.
The Benefits Of Anger :- It's important that you know you're not alone. Everyone experiences some type of anger every day of their life.
Anger Management At Work :- Up to this point, we've been discussing the effects of anger on your home life, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people lose their jobs every day because they simply can't control their anger.
The Price Of Anger :- If we're going to discuss the effects of anger in the workplace, we may as well look at the total price of anger, because it effects far more than your job.
The Warning Signs Of Anger :- If you're reading this guide, you've realized that you have a problem with managing your anger.
Ten Basic Anger Management Techniques :-
1.Take a deep breath and slow down
2.Take a step back
3.Take a break
4.Watch an instant replay
5. Walk a mile in their moccasins
6.Take a walk
7.Talk to a friend
8. Learn to listen
9.Get a pet
10.Put on a happy face
And Much More...
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