July 2011 Product

Alertpay Button Plugin
WordPress is so easy to use and had become the most powerful sales platform in the industry, but it was not designed to do everything we are asking of it. That is where plugins like "AlertPay Button Generator" comes to the rescue! Just imagine being able to use your mouse to make a few clicks and setup a subscribe or even a simple buy now AlertPay button inside WordPress. It really is that simple and much more....
This product contains the following contents:
What's in the Package (and what you can do with it): Since you are reading this guide, I'm guessing you already unzipped the package you have downloaded. When unzipping the package, you should see these files on your computer's hard drive and much more...
The tools you need: You will need a means to edit HTML files. Practically any text editor will do the job, however I recommend one of two approaches:
1. Using a Text Editor
2. Using a WYSIWYG Editor
3. Editing Graphics
4.Zipping and Unzipping files and much more...
Editing the Sales Page (same for both packages): Open the index.html file, from the "website" or "website-mrr" folder, in your
favourite editor and follow these steps and much more....
Uploading the Website to your Hosting: If you prefer using an FTP program, simply upload the content of the "website" OR "website-mrr" folder to your hosting. Which folder content you upload, depends on the type of package you want to sell. I prefer zipping it all up and uploading using cPanel's file manager. Once uploaded, I un-zip the file in location. This method is a bit more technical but is much faster and much more....
Uploading the Package to your Hosting (MRR): If you are selling the MRR package, you will need to upload the original zipped
package to your hosted website as well. This is needed so buyers can download the package for themselves. In your web browser, enter the URL of the hosting location of the sales page and check to see it all looks as it should. Make sure all buttons and links are functional and much more....
Conclusion: Editing the sales package is simple and straight forward. Update your name, URL for support, price and the payment buttons. Upload everything to your hosting. Send traffic to the sales page and start making money and much more...
Master Resale Rights License Terms:
[Yes] Can be sold
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus
[Yes] Can be included in "paid" membership sites
[Yes] Can be combined with other offers.
[Yes] Can be used as free web content
[Yes] Can be given away free
[Yes] Can be uploaded to Wordpress.org or other Plugin Repositories.
[Yes] Can Pass Resale Rights
[Yes] Can Pass Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can pass the source code(PLR) files along to customers
[No] Can be sold on ANY forum including DigitalPoint..
[No] Can be edited
[No] Can claim yourself as the author or producer
[No] Can sell on eBay.com
[No] Can pass Private Label Rights