Aug 2023 Product

Achieving Your Dreams
We all have big dreams in life. It’s our dreams that sustain us as we slowly trudge through our day to day lives. We look towards
the future, so we don’t feel so bad about our present. We see our lives as having this upward trajectory. We’re not going to stay at the bottom forever.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Are You Living In Your Comfort Zone?
ï‚· Living in a comfortable bubble
ï‚· Comfort zones do change
ï‚· When comfort becomes a problem
Chapter 2 – Step out of Your Comfort Zone – Don’t Let It Kill
Your Dreams
ï‚· Breathe new life into your dreams
ï‚· Your true potential
ï‚· Learn new things
Chapter 3 – Key to Success – Setting the SMART Goals
ï‚· The smart thing to do
ï‚· Setting SMART goals
Chapter 4 – Planning Your Course Of Action
ï‚· A sense of direction
ï‚· It’s all about the details
Chapter 5 – Overcoming Your Fears
ï‚· Understand your fear
ï‚· Keep yourself occupied
ï‚· Stop scaring yourself
Chapter 6 – Substitute Negativity with Positive Thinking
ï‚· Focus on what really matters
ï‚· There’s no limit to what you can do
ï‚· Look forward to your failures
ï‚· Be excited about the future
Chapter 7 – Working On Your Self-Discipline
ï‚· Learning to say ‘no’
ï‚· Good habits are important
ï‚· You need accountability
ï‚· Rewarding self-discipline
Chapter 8 – Stay Motivated Even In a Slump
ï‚· Extrinsic motivation
ï‚· Intrinsic motivation
ï‚· Make motivation a habit
ï‚· Turn obstacles into opportunities
Chapter 9 – Widening Your Comfort Zone
ï‚· The unfamiliar becomes familiar
ï‚· Fight the good fight
ï‚· Continue challenging yourself
Chapter 10 – Let’s take The Leap
ï‚· Believe in yourself
ï‚· Integrity is necessary
ï‚· Bend but don’t break
Who wants that anyway?
But we all know what the truth is. The vast majority of people are going to remain at the bottom. Far removed from what
they’ve envisioned their life to be. For most of us, success is nothing but a word. It means nothing.
But how did this happen?
Aren’t we all supposed to want to achieve our dreams?
The truth is, we all want to succeed, but not everyone is willing to take action. Success is earned, not given. It’s not going to be
handed to you on a silver platter. You don’t get to sit back, do nothing, and get rewarded with your dreams. No, it doesn’t work
like that.
If you want to be successful, you’re going to work hard for it. And by hard, I mean really hard. You’ll toil for your dreams for years.
It won’t be a walk in the park .
And much, much more!
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[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers
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[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered
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No Liability
Under no circumstances will the product creator, programmer or any of the distributors of this product, or any distributors, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product This product is provided "as is" and without warranties.