Aug 2013 Product

Abundance And The Art Of Giving
“ Determining What Abundance And The Art Of Giving Is About Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Business!”
Learn About The True Definition Of Abumdance- And Learn That The More You Give, The More You Will Receive To Create Amazing Results!
The art of abundance is discovering the provision in what is right before you, seeing the hand of God already affording you what you need, minute by minute. Then sharing the abundant blessings God has presented with others. And finishing the circle of giving by praising the One who gave the gifts for us to savor.
Abundance is bigger than the personal question of who we are and what we wish to do. In order to achieve anything, we need to be in living exchange with other people, as clearly as we are dependent upon so many individuals when we sit down to a meal – including the farmers, cooks, and the servers.
The truth is:
If You Want To Have True Abundance For Your Business And Your Overall Life...You Need To Learn About Abundance And The Art Of Giving!
You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success and abundance they desire in life and business? It's because they don't know that abundance isn't about running around and trying to score as many points as imaginable before the game ends.
It isn't a race to ascertain how much you are able to get done in a week, or in an ambitious 5 year plan. Abundance is neither about the assemblage of goods; nor is it the unrealistic renouncement of material comforts. Abundance isn't about finding a way to simply become comfortable- a safe way to stay halfhearted.
Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:
You Would be Smart To Understand The True Meaning Of Abundance And The Art Of Giving!
People who struggle in life, success, business and abundance will find these things in common:
They have no idea what abundance is.
They have no idea that passion has a place in abundance!
They are struggling with the concept that direction is required for abundance.
They also don't understand the importance of giving.
Many more problems untold…
Well don't worry…
With the strategies that I’m about to let you in on , you will have no problems when it comes to understanding how to understand what true abundance is and how to master the art of giving.
“Abundance And The Art Of Giving ”
The More You Give, The More You Will Receive! !
In this book, you will learn all about:
Karma and abundance-what is it?
The art of giving ...
What you give yourself when you give to others.
Tips for if you have nothing to give.
How to pay it forward!
About what is abundance.
Much MORE!
Make Full Use Of This Knowledge And Get A Real Look At What Abundance Is And How Important Giving Is!
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