April 2011 Product

200 Articles
This product contains the following contents:
Help Save Marriage Advice Is For Your Taking
Help save marriage advice is right here. No one has all the answers, I sure don't. But I also know that human nature is such that we tend to make things harder than we have to and we tend to not see the forest for the trees. That's why getting advice from a complete stranger can be so effective, I may not know you but more than likely (even though it may be hard to understand) your situation isn't all that unique. Marriages fall apart for two major reasons: lack of respect, and lack of communication. Finding ways to reverse those bad habits can help you save your marriage and even make it stronger than it's ever been. An added bonus is that it can also make you a better person.
First of all, let's look at the lack of respect. This can be manifested in many many ways. It can be subtle like making snide comments or 'jokes' about the way your spouse cooks, the extra pounds they're carrying around, etc. The point is it does come out and all that does is hurt your spouses feelings and make them angry and resentful towards you. When that happens they will either withdraw from you and not want to let themselves open up with you or they will get back at you and start making similar type comments to you. Once that happens everything can spiral out of control very quickly.
I Lost Love - How Do I Move On
I lost love, how do I move on? I'm sorry for your pain. I know how hard it is to totally restructure your life and find new things to give you happiness. It's hard, but it's not impossible. You can be happy again and in time you can even find love again. I know it seems impossible but it can happen, if you let it.
I used to know a girl who was happily married. Her husband suddenly asked her for a divorce with no warning. I don't think she knows why to this day. She was devastated. She used to be outgoing, and happy but today she is shy and withdrawn and more than a little socially awkward. It's such as shame, but at the risk of sounding harsh, it's her own fault. Not the divorce mind you, her ex was just a jerk, but how she recovered (or didn't recover) that's the part she has to own.
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