March 2012 Product

100 Fitness Tips
100 Fitness Tips
This product contains the following contents:
Determine the reasons why you are not fit: One of the best ways to get fitter is to determine the reasons why you are overweight. It could be that you are ignoring service size whenever you eat, you lack exercise, you love to watch television while eating, and more...
Eat banana early in the morning: When you wake up in the morning, it is a good idea to eat a piece of banana. It would help in giving you the necessary energy to start your day. As long as you don’t combine it with anything, banana would not cause any kind of hyper acidic reaction in your tummy.
Go easy on sweet things: Sweet things like chocolates, cakes, and candies can be tempting to eat, especially when they are presented very well. Before you put them inside your mouth though, you should remind yourself that they taste sweet, since they are loaded with extra calories.
Eat a large breakfast: Breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day. This is because it is where your body would usually source out its energy for the day. Thus, it is best to fill up yourself at breakfast, so that you can boost your body’s energy levels.
Choose the right kind of meat: Although lean meat is good, it is still better to go with white meat. White meat is actually far better than red meat. Sources for white meat would include fish and chicken.
Go easy on salt: Eating foods that have high salt content is a big no-no when it comes to dieting. Eating too much salt can actually make you gain more weight. Thus, it is time to cut down your salt intake.
Eating in restaurants: Eating out in restaurants should be minimized when you are trying to lose weight. However, when you find yourself in it, make sure to order foods that are healthy and not too fattening.
Come up with other ways to increase your physical activities: Aside from going through certain workout routines, there are also other things that you can do in order to perform more physical activities. Some of which would be to get involved with gardening
Have a pet dog: Having a pet actually offers more benefits than just having a special companion. Your pet dog can actually help you lose weight, especially if you play with him more often.
Build more muscles: Building more muscles would not just make you look fitter, but it can also help in losing pounds of weight. This is because muscles actually require lots of calories to maintain it.
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